In modern times , people throughout the British isles speak English.
现在, 整个不列颠诸岛的人都说英语.
互联网One of the most exciting developments in modern times has been the birth of biophysics.
——辞典例句In modern times, people have communicated by letter, telegraph , and telephone.
在现代, 人们用信, 传真, 电话通信.
超越目标英语 第4册William McNeill , The Great Frontier: Freedom and Hierarchy in Modern Times, Princeton University Press, 1983.
威廉姆.麦克尼尔, 伟大的边疆: 近代的自由与等级, 普林斯顿大学出版社, 1983.
——期刊摘选Wushu at that time is totally different from Wushu in modern times.
互联网We are in one of the most severe recessions in modern times.
柯林斯例句People living in modern times shouldn't throw away our ancestor's fine traditions.
互联网Advertising has become very specialized in modern times.
互联网In modern times most ships have a metal framework.
互联网He is a brilliant president without a parallel in modern times.
互联网In modern times, however, money as a new way of controlling information.
然而, 在当今这个物质化的时代, 金钱成为了控制信息流通的一种新的手段.
互联网In modern times, computers have been used more and more widely in the world.
在现代, 计算机被越来越广泛地应用.
互联网Yang Shuda was a famous master of National Essence Arts in modern times of China.
互联网In modern times , irons have all developed into steam irons.
互联网Tourist industry is one of the fastest growing industries in modern times.
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